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“My students love playing Frax! Teaching them fractions have never been easier. I feel like so many of the common misconceptions are corrected, and we have barely started whole group fraction instruction.”

- Frax Teacher, Gilmer County School District, GA
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“My students really love the Frax game play and don't even realize that they are doing fractions. They just feel like they are helping solve problems. I also love that I can see what they are doing as they do it and see who is struggling so I can go help them as they work.”

- Frax Teacher, Gilbert Unified School District 41, AZ
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“No other program scaffolds and builds understanding like Frax does. I have never seen students understand fractions and feel comfortable answering questions about them so quickly and easily when I start our instruction.”

- Frax Teacher, Hillsborough County School District, FL
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“Our students set an individual ‘I can do hard things’ goal. One struggles with math and has no interest doing math or motivation to contribute. Since starting Frax he has asked to change his goal to complete all Frax missions by May so they he can receive his reward at the end of the year assembly.”

- Frax Teacher, Ririe School District 252, ID
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“Students really enjoy how engaging Frax is. Surprising moment: we started our fractions unit and most of my students already know fraction vocabulary. How awesome!”

- Frax Teacher, Baldwin Union Free School District, NY
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“The kids are loving Frax. They are excited to use it and I can see a huge difference in their ability to understand, visualize and model fractions in their math activities. I love when I am teaching a fraction lesson and the students say, ‘I saw this in Frax’ or ‘I know this because of Frax.’”

- Frax Teacher, Hartland Consolidated School District, MI
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“The sequence of instruction in Frax has really laid a solid foundation for my students' understanding of fractions. Before introducing fractions, the fraction questions on iStation were really challenging to students but after having just a week of Frax before having to take it again, that percentage of questions correct drastically improved for some students!! I can't wait to see how they do after a month!”

- Frax Teacher, Russellville School District, AR
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“The sequence of instruction in Frax has really laid a solid foundation for my students' understanding of fractions. Before introducing fractions, the fraction questions on iStation were really challenging to students but after having just a week of Frax before having to take it again, that percentage of questions correct drastically improved for some students!! I can't wait to see how they do after a month!”

- Frax Teacher, Russellville School District, AR
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“There is nothing compared to Frax. It's much more engaging to individual students than anything I've used before. I've had students frequently tell me: ‘Fractions are so easy now!’ ‘Hey, I remember this from Frax,’ and ‘I know how to do this—I just completed a mission on this!’”

- Frax Teacher, Duquoin Community Unit School District 300, IL